I hate people who are so biased towards their own race. And they hate people who are racists? Wtfff.
Bad news, baby.
Hope my sacrifices for Lent will last for 46 days.
Oh shizzz, almost forgot my daily dose of high-calcium milk.
I'm so sleepy but I have to complete my goal, which is the finish the first of many parts for Marketing IMC Paper. So bored doing this!!
Dad and I arguing why my siblings and I won't accept my mom's Facebook request. Hahahahahahaha!!
My mom has a freakin' Facebook account. WHO TAUGHT HER!!!!
Such a long long day. Someone just had to put a rotten cherry on top of my already sucky day. I swear, you annoy the shit out of me.
A tiring 15-minute run, compared to my usual 20 mins. 45 mins in the gym was 10x more tiring than the usual 1 hour. What's up.