10Friends 6Fans
female Cambridge, MA, United States
I've spent over a third of my life on Second Life.

Former Plurk developer. Developed AjaxLife when I was fifteen. Former Emerald Viewer Project developer/QA lead. Responsible for Growl, stream titles and Flickr uploading support where available.
Katharine says
8 years ago 1
Well this is… different.
10 years ago 7
Plurk: still kicking, apparently.
Katharine shares
12 years ago
New release of Exodus, the viewer project I'm involved with. Torley loves the snapadoodles out of it!
12 years ago 3
Plurk blogged! On the English blog! Pity its barely comprehensible.
12 years ago
OAuth and the SL viewer have conspired to waste about six hours of my time today.
12 years ago
Copying files between my computers at 100 MB/s! Nice to finally have a decently fast connection.
12 years ago
Oh hey, more than ten karma. Now I can change the title of my timeline or something. Woo.
Katharine shares
12 years ago 1
I'm sure I will eventually get over how nice the text rendering on this laptop is. That hasn't happened yet. https://images.plurk.com/bb98bfb3b8db2d819aead0a0d444c58c.jpg
12 years ago 53
I still hate that "Front page" link in the top-left corner. "My Profile" should be there!
12 years ago 1
It's kinda odd having my 27" iMac display be driven by my 15" laptop. Oh well; it works!