68Friends 23Fans
female Second life
I'm a creature of counter-culture, dwelling in the space between supreme mental prowess and delirium.
Blogger: coming soon.
PS- Kamilah Jameson died, right after killing Valerie Jefferson.
14 years ago 2
mannnnn my daughter is acting UP! terrible two's, please pass! *stomps off to kill something in WoW*
14 years ago 4
the people on the sl blogs are talking about Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
14 years ago 5
I love my local fox news station, but don't like fox news in general...is that hypocritical?
Aaliyah says
14 years ago
moms: there's a crayola easter event going on march 27th 12-2 at toys r us!
14 years ago 5
my 18 month old counts 1-5 and says her abc's in toddlerspeak. its soooo cute!
14 years ago 2
good morning!
14 years ago
I'm actually having FUN with my SL sorority rush. Off to make a sorority house!
Aaliyah loves
14 years ago 3
oatmeal. It makes a rainy morning tolerable.
Aaliyah loves
14 years ago 3
amusing people.
Aaliyah loves
14 years ago 7
this: "I got the ole misses some of this cooter cream cause although she is a classic let's just say she wasn't garage kept."