5Friends 7Fans
female Hathian, Second Life, United States
(This Plurk is for Second Life RP/IC purposes!)

Kali and her roomie and bff Chelsea have moved to Hathian (Crack Den) to start over.
KaliopeKaras wants
14 years ago 2
chinese food!
KaliopeKaras is
14 years ago
rubbing her eyes. Just waking up!
KaliopeKaras is
14 years ago 1
tired and frustrated. Sitting at home on the lap top, should get ready for work but dont feel like going!
KaliopeKaras is
14 years ago
so tired of the TT! More punchers than tippers! Girl can't make a living like that!
KaliopeKaras is
14 years ago 1
happy Chelsea's home. We so need to catch up on some thing!
14 years ago
sighs, home from the party, now a shower and off to work...
KaliopeKaras feels
14 years ago
tired... what a night.
KaliopeKaras says
14 years ago
uff.. just found out there is a party at work for some benefit thing. What wear?
KaliopeKaras says
14 years ago
so he left me a note this morning!
14 years ago 7
doesn't even want to get out of bed!