Before you assume, learn the FACTS. Before you judge, understand WHY. Before you hurt someone, FEEL. Before you leave, commit to STAYING.
Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings & emotions.
No mom, you're mad because you're wrong, not because I'm talking back..
Dear ugly hoes, don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey!
Getting back with an ex is like buying ticket to watch a bad ending movie you've already seen
That awkward moment when you flip your hair and nobody gets overwhelmed.
We change for two reasons. Either we learn enough that we want to or we've been hurt enough that you have to.
Facebook Should get a "I Don't Even Know you" button, for the Dumbasses who like to try to add people they don't know
well im bored time to check the Fridge .. LoL
Love is a feeling, not a decision.