Also, kitten.
'Tis almost midnight,and I am drinking soft drink and writing a story.
I somehow managed to burn two fingers while buttering hot cross buns -_-
My purring cat (looks a lot like a kitten because she's to tiny :3) sounds like a mini-V8 engine.
It's only 10:22 PM am I this tired...
(Pounces into Plurk after trying to do an engineering assignment) Hi.
flops into plurk after a visit to the hospital
If all else fails, you can always turn to the solace of music.
A PETITION TO KICK MY FRIENDS LOVER-ISH (I have no idea where they stand because they've basically been dancing around each other for years). May I please have support so I can kick his ass? :3
Just a completely random question and 2125, but, does anyone know of SCP Containment Breach?