♥KELLY! (:
4Friends 6Fans
female Singapore
♥KELLY! (: has
15 years ago
completed her research! :-D
♥KELLY! (: says
15 years ago
her throat HURTS! :-( it's burning!
♥KELLY! (: wants
15 years ago
to spam spam spam, to increase my karma! :-D
♥KELLY! (:
15 years ago
's karma dropped! like HELL@! (annoyed)
♥KELLY! (: says
15 years ago 2
she passed her english FT! woosh. hahas.
♥KELLY! (: says
15 years ago
tourism? places of interest? roar
♥KELLY! (: is
15 years ago
doing the english project but using a fcuking slow internet. ass! _l_
♥KELLY! (:
15 years ago
going M.I.A again! BYE!
♥KELLY! (: says
15 years ago
goodbye and goodnight everyone.
♥KELLY! (: gives
15 years ago
a chocolate! :-D