11Friends 22Fans
male Phoenix, AZ, United States
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
With kids, but with all I suspect, "more is caught than taught." - Amos, an Amish dude.
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
Brownie point collection nears all time high when I let client meeting go to 11:45pm on a Friday while obviously sick and not feeling well.
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
Taking time out of the morning to read "Money Secrets of the Amish"
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
Quite a day. Amazingly successful, incredible energy, devistatingly trying.
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
Excellent meeting with the mayor, in the end it looks as though we may get Gangplank up here to Phoenix afterall.
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
Finished reading Lean Startup this morning. Inspired, I'll be starting to read it again as soon as this evening. It is all coming together.
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
It's not possible to over-discuss email. Fact is, when you stop giving email attention, it will atrophy and stop stealing energy from you.
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
This could actually put me back into the mainstream workforce. Not because of the vacation, but the freedom. bit.ly/yJp7Wg
JustinCrossman says
12 years ago
"There are two groups of people in this world that I just can't stand, and I'm both of them."