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86Friends 0Fans
female United States
Certified cutie patootie
M/w pupcups <3
I love Kaipo!!!!!! >w<
This sad endless cycle of taking care of ourselves super good for a week or two only to neglect ourselves really bad for a little while after then eventually do it again
Chips we made at home
Whenever Quackity fronts our hand writing is so pretty and neat and clean
Why can't we learn grammar we have taken plenty of classes and still don't know where the apostrophe ( , ) goes we are okay at capitalizing the right things sometimes but we also put capital letters in the wrong places I guess.. We mix up their there and they're and sometimes you're and your
I forgot I made my timeline private during the one account thingy
Life when when the pink plurk creature (p-blush) (p-crying)
I looked on bsky and seen someone who hates us and then accidentally went on a blocking spree
Lukas is bad at his job
At least I have the karma creature...