0Friends 14Fans
male Astoria, NY, United States
A New Yorker living, loving, reading and writing comics!

Starstruck on the Street
JonGorga says
13 years ago
I DO forget how beautiful Boston is.
JonGorga shares
13 years ago
My old supermarket in Gloucester, MA still carries two comics!
JonGorga shares
13 years ago
One of the good things from this reading marathon for my year-in-review on is that I read a ton of great comics at once!
JonGorga says
13 years ago
Sometimes a good little Italian boy just needs a big plate of spaghetti! Courtesy of Pete's Tavern on Irving Place in NYC.
JonGorga says
13 years ago
Revisited old Spider-Man issues by Steve Ditko and read part of an essay about him in tandem... STILL don't see why people like him.
JonGorga shares
13 years ago
Awesome mini-education in comics art style by Dave Sim: momentofcerebus.blogspot...
JonGorga says
13 years ago
My housemate Senia just killed a giant spider while absorbing a dragon's soul. Skyrim on a Friday night in Astoria.
JonGorga says
13 years ago
Once a year, American football is cool because it involves funny commercials and free food. YEAH! Go... whatever team everyone here likes!!
JonGorga wonders
13 years ago
Ever thought about how much of our civilization is kept in motion by the simple concept of mailing a cardboard box?
JonGorga shares
13 years ago
NEW comic is up! thecomicsmithy.blogspot.... Go read it!