20Friends 3Fans
female Philippines
JoeZan says
13 years ago 15
bdlay bzta wla ga xulod aa..kay wla my na mang an... (angry)
13 years ago 8
weeew...comp. org na nmn... (annoyed)
13 years ago 10
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”.. :-))
13 years ago
JoeZan says
13 years ago
"Darkness cannot put out the Light. It can only make God brighter." :-)
JoeZan says
13 years ago
goOd bye people.. i'll be back soOn... (wave) muwaaah... (K)
JoeZan says
13 years ago 23
hEadache sucks... (angry)
JoeZan says
13 years ago 2
na miz ko mn ang plurk bah.. :-)
JoeZan says
13 years ago 2
Always remember that the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of letting go. :-))
JoeZan is
13 years ago 1
having a headache... (sick)