i love my girls, thankyou so much. <3
Usher ft. Pitbull - DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again <3
sometimes i don't like the way mr l says things, so sarcastic and scary.
out shopping for my new wallet with luvs at Orchard later. <3
class tests nobody cares much so obvi cts marks would be higher right, use your butt to think lah!
I think the school's screwed ever since tjl took over. wth, 30% for cts only?! thn why do you think we spent so much effort t pia for it!!
& i friggin' want an iTouch i know i'm materialistic but. ):
eh wth NH's effing selfish to put cts right aft yog, we have no rest and no time t watch the games wthhh nb.