13Friends 8Fans
male Hong Kong
Fashionista style, fame!!
Edison.Evan has
15 years ago
a very messy hair right now, cannot meet people out with this look yeahh.. my hairstray is running out liao!! HELP!!
Edison.Evan has
15 years ago 1
woke up in early morning le, using comp chatting with friends yeaa..
Edison.Evan was
15 years ago
update blog in like 10 minutes yeah.. stay tune!
Edison.Evan is
15 years ago
getting sleepy, tired manx...
Edison.Evan is
15 years ago
a half hongkong half singporen yeah... oooooooo (LOL)
Edison.Evan is
15 years ago
currently chating with ronald my gay pal, and melvin! haha..
Edison.Evan hates
15 years ago
this fucking so called karma thingy, blah blah blah!
Edison.Evan wishes
15 years ago
to have much more luxury life, if only i have more money! :-&
Edison.Evan is
15 years ago
going out with ronald watching movie this monday!
Edison.Evan has
15 years ago
come back from outdoor le, just now played soccer with ronald then go slack