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JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
my bag is filled with the smell of the meuseum ... Yucky smell
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
I regretted not bringing a jacket to the meuseum today. Coldieme
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
I dont want to fall out w my friends because of stupid dodgeball :-(
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
I discovered tt some classes,not only studies good play cheat also good!( Not saying 6/5 , and other classes.But t class shld no who r they)
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
fair and square is the best.
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
你们这样不择手段害了很多人,你们知道吗? 害了很多人吵架,流泪。你会骂我们bullshit
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago 2
胜利是靠努力,认真来的 。如果要不择手段,对其他人来说是很不公平的。你们不择手段得来的胜利,还反过来说我们玩臭,甚至还骂我们粗话,实在是太过分了!!!!!!!!!
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
Why must they cheat? Why cant they just play a fair game? WHY ?
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
they cheat , they will get retribution. Its okay, and nothing worth to cry for them
JiaMinzxc98 says
14 years ago
I dont like to see my friends cry because of some stupid people.