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Hi there and welcome :-D This is JiaJia. Folllow me or add me as friends and please no spamming and sick stuff. Please Enjoy!!
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
Oh_So_True RT If you hate when you tell your parents something funny and they take it too seriously #OhSoTrue 3:31 AM May 19th via web
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
RandomBut You ever go in a room & you forgot why you entered
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
omgidothistoo Do you get an immense feeling of satisfaction when you hear dirt getting sucked into the vacuum? #idothistoo
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
omgidothistoo Do you do most of your important thinking in the shower? #idothistoo about 18 hours ago via web
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
omgidothistoo Do you love it when you enter a store and you get blasted with warm air? #idothistoo about 15 hours ago via web
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
omgidothistoo Do you not understand why people use knives so much? Just cut it with a fork. #idothistoo
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
omgidothistoo Do you always do things perfect the first time, but can't do it perfect again afterward? #idothistoo
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
omgidothistoo When the school phone rings,do you secretly hope that its the office telling you that your parent is there to pick you up? xD
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
Oh_So_True RT If you know a person who is skinny but eats loads and still never gains weight #OhSoTrue about 3 hours ago via web
JiaJiaJimo shares
14 years ago
Oh_So_True That awkwardness when everyone sings 'Happy Birthday' when you cut the cake #OhSoTrue about 3 hours ago via web