Alright! We're up! Time to vote. Yeah!
Watching life's funniest moments. I love this show! Haha. It's a laugh in a minute! Yeah! Plus the narration-thingy.
Goodm0rning saturday! How will things turn out today? Hope it'll be good. Happy weekend.
Catch the exciting tribal c0uncil tonight. Braver and bolder. #SurvivorPhilippines who are u v0ting for? Let's all get rid of jon. Wahaha
shares 14 years ago
looking on how to implement ssl?
shares 14 years ago
Whenever u feel u've gone far, make it sure u stay humble with feet still on the floor. Im bk!
You d0n't get to 50o million friends, without making few enemies. Oct 27, 2010 - the social network.
So hot out of the box, i need to pick up the kumanta? Adam?! Tma b lyrics q?
G0od day! Haha. What lies ahead?!