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female Campbelltown, Australia
Review of of Bead Projects by Kathleen Barry post.ly/wFCx
About.com video on How to Use a Bead Board post.ly/wEGx
Link to the About.com Jewelry Making forums, - well worth participating in. post.ly/wE3c
Craft Show in Hamilton New Zealand. post.ly/wDEg
Generate More Subtle Color Pallets post.ly/w1Zg
Selecting colors from photos post.ly/vvLo
YouTube video on How to Use Split Rings
Some good YouTube videos on handy Jewelry Making Techniques post.ly/vWoy
Jewelry Design Ideas - I took some pictures of flowers yesterday post.ly/vLHg
Review of Making Metal Jewelry by Joanna Gollberg post.ly/uhjd