41Friends 46Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
Geeky perkigoth with huge tracts of land now taking applications from geeky guys in SF and the Peninsula for clubbing, anime, and German board games.
JenLarkin has
15 years ago 2
JenLarkin says
15 years ago
hmm. Plurks disappearing...
JenLarkin says
15 years ago
trying this again... Portal - Still Alive - ASL Song
JenLarkin says
15 years ago
PGE called me to let me know that they are on their way... SHOCKED AND AMAZED.
JenLarkin says
15 years ago 4
aww man and my neighbor's wireless is craptastic today. On 100 pings, I got 57% packet loss and ping times from 22ms to 1034ms
JenLarkin says
15 years ago 7
argh. I came home expecting to flip a switch to turn my power on and instead got a notice that I have to be home to have the power turned on
JenLarkin is
15 years ago 1
looking forward to being busy through Sunday night.
JenLarkin asks
15 years ago 7
if you've known a guy for several years but not very well and he sees you go through this massive breakup...
JenLarkin says
15 years ago 2
Yay! My power will be turned back on today!
JenLarkin is
15 years ago 4
waiting to hear back on HR clearance for a potential job interview later this week.