5Friends 3Fans
male Philippines
Cool, calm and calculating. I'm a person who has wide taste and interest ranging from arts and philosophy to new discoveries and technology. I hope, from this micro-blog, I'll be able to share my thoughts and passions with all you good people. Enjoy.
12 years ago
There was a time in Philippine history when we became a gun-free society - it was called the Martial Law era.
12 years ago
Discovered why the Japanese are so smart; they are not influenced by the language of bullsh*t the western world uses. Language Barrier Win!
12 years ago
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
12 years ago
"Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest." - Benjamin Franklin
12 years ago
There's an intellectual revolution going on in the west right now. Hmm, makes me feel kind of envious.
12 years ago
The meaning of being conservative in US: wanting small government & more liberty; Philippines: desiring restrictiveness & bureaucracy. >.>
12 years ago
I've successfully migrated to a 64bit environment. Happy Chinese New Year! :-D
12 years ago
Learning to cook for yourself is a such a hard road to thread on when you're older but at least it ends with something delicious.
13 years ago
:| My face when guys are in the friendzone and proud of it.
13 years ago
Almost done preparing for a 64 bit migration. >.>