Jeviin Ong
6Friends 3Fans
male Sleman, Indonesia
♂ Creating a better future by participating in the global community . .

♂ Success comes from strong desire . .

♂ Cross the stream where it is shallowest . .

♂ Fall seven times, stand up eight times . .

♂ All well than ends well . .

Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-16] --- Chinese New Year are coming soon, but, still feel empty X-(
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-16] --- Ur word make my mind in a mess ~
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-16] --- if you don't know what is the truth, think about it, ponder it, discuss it. It makes ue as a fool If ue don't know it.
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-16] --- keep any conversation that comes out of your mouth, because any time will bring disaster for many people.
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-15] --- Lols ! watch my brou play DDR, then I dunno anything else x)
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-15] --- I miss ue, my long hair T___T
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-14] --- my sacrificing and my missing for ue is useless for all the time. let's end it ~
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
[12-01-14] --- Stop ur crap, n I know what did ue mean ~
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
01-11-12 --- I need part time job. bo luii liao T__T
Jeviin Ong
12 years ago
01-11-12 --- Happiness is understood along with the understanding of the root cause of suffering. :-)