Shit Chen
30Friends 19Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Shit Chen
14 years ago
去年辦了亞太..但平常也很少帶出門..哈= =
Shit Chen
14 years ago
誰可以跟我解釋一下提紅燈籠在田裡走的意思? 因為好像有人說這好像是歧視女性的行為?
Shit Chen
14 years ago
I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.
Shit Chen
14 years ago 2
新年快樂!中視的主持人有張菲 胡瓜 吳宗憲 澎恰恰 許效舜 .......
Shit Chen
14 years ago
一個早上我就被聯合報的拆除工程"震"醒了六次= =
Shit Chen 覺得
14 years ago
Shit Chen 覺得
14 years ago
Shit Chen 打算
14 years ago 1
我收到陳菊寄來的花媽春聯和賀卡了~有夠開心(但是我把他們忘在橘子家= =)
Shit Chen
14 years ago 15
Shit Chen
14 years ago 43
請告訴我剛才是地震..還是我家前面的聯合報拆的泰HIGH讓地在震= =