7Friends 0Fans
female Hamilton, ON, Canada
10 years ago 13
soooo my recital for tonight went mostly well if you discount the fact I threw up right after my street jazz and couldn't finish my jazz dance cuz I was over a garbage can halfway through D:
10 years ago 4
so I apparently have the worst 2x combo bonus ever: bronchitis and a sinus infection all packaged together to make a sick and miserable me ><
10 years ago 16
bought my tickets home... looks like FanFare will be a thing tomorrow :-)
10 years ago 5
may be having an irrational panic attack, whoops ((-_-))
10 years ago 6
The fact that I've worked full days at the lab for 20 days straight without a day off has just been so exhausting and fuck I'm going to be so happy when my seminar is done in October ;-;
10 years ago 18
attention to Rin & Amanda & Toast & Becky (& Pan but I don't think have her here would someone mind passing this along? >< ): I'm having a birthday dinner-thing Sept 27 and you're invited! :-D
Jackeh!!! loves
10 years ago
2am lab times... really -.-
Jackeh!!! shares
10 years ago 3
100 kids say hi. - Google Docs for Amanda! The letters from the kids from Japan about the video~ We're mentioned a bunch specifically! :-D
10 years ago
my video interview for the charity fashion show I'm designing for was released today!!! :-D www.vcfsqueens.com/proje...
11 years ago 2
Riiin! Becky! (I'll get Pan through another source since I don't have her here):-D I've told Amanda through fbook, but I'm having a birthday wonderland trip/dinner on Sept 28th and you're all invited <3