42Friends 43Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Janmice shares
14 years ago 1
iphone4.tw/forums/attach... 哦...今天早上已經取得了 (yahoo)
Janmice says
14 years ago 12
我相信 我感動 我可以 請記住我的名字 ...
Janmice says
14 years ago 22
karma 0永凍的壞處 ... 不能貼照片阿 (bigeyes)
Janmice says
14 years ago 1
Just finish the movie ... " This Is It" ... There's only one word ...Awesome...It's just likes he still alive and play for us ...Thanks,M.J.
Janmice says
14 years ago 5
Janmice says
14 years ago 19
有mPro的捧油 ... hami book 今日開張囉 ... 很多書免費唷 (bigeyes)
Janmice says
14 years ago 37
oh ... 三點多就被牙齒痛醒 ... 還以為是蛀牙好傻好天真的去刷個牙就沒事了 .... 干 現在不只好痛還流血
Janmice shares
14 years ago 6
Orbit (Expose/Spaces for iPhone) speed test: iPhone 3G versus iPhone 3GS 剛剛裝好了 ... 有愛瘋的捧友 ... 需要此軟體可以跟我要 ... 讓你的愛瘋也可以跟MAC一樣有Exposé的功能喲 ...
Janmice shares
14 years ago
NBA Live iPhone Gameplay 很好玩唷... (LOL)
Janmice says
14 years ago 12