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male Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
I’m a professional product photo editor. It has been my passion since my childhood. I’ve been providing top-quality photo editing services, including Clipping Path Photoshop.
2 years ago
What is an image masking service?

Masking is one of the most advanced methods of manipulating images. This technique is widely used to remove the background from complex-shaped images, such as flying hairs on model images, fibrous strands, curved images, soft edges, and furry images.
Image Masking Services | Photoshop Masking service p...https://images.plurk.com/12FVgZn5G48OudDUQwwAkW.jpg
2 years ago
. A clipping path is used to eliminate unwanted background objects from pictures. In most cases, the backgrounds have a white background, especially for eCommerce, an online business, since it makes the products easier to understand by buyers. To get details- Clipping Path Service | Best Image Cutout & Deep Etc...
https://images.plurk.com/5qQ7fGp6S9EEkluMOYFomU.jpg et https://images.plurk.com/3Te8vTMyL1RnxwGFzHEzBb.jpg
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
What is Image Cutout?
In Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, you can create clipping paths that are used to clip out unwanted objects from an image by using the Pen Tool. This backgrount color changing process is called image cutout. To get details- Clipping Path Service | Best Image Cutout & Deep Etc...https://images.plurk.com/1DT64ZuT9XdIv7K19kzH2e.jpg
3 years ago
By using the multi-clipping path, you can isolate several objects from a specific photo, including several people within a picture, without affecting the rest of the photo. It is a technique that is difficult to master. Clipping Path Service | Best Image Cutout & Deep Etc...
3 years ago
Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular and easy-to-use tools in this corresponding photo editing program. With this tool, you can easily cut out the unwanted background from your image or add your chosen color as a background color to enhance its visual appeal. https://images.plurk.com/6aCCLOtYwmoox4WjPQRlkm.jpg