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Jacelynn says
15 years ago
Thks for the lovely touching letter! The letter really touches my heart and I love love it! You made me felt so i… gladlyCast.com/ssf
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
I miss love-mummy alot today. Thght of her many times and thght tat we shld meet up soon!:-)
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
Rehearsal was fun but then the indoor hall is hot and stuffy. And tat kills everyone's mood.
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
The journey from simei back home, is really very far!
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
Just got back home from Simei ite, the bus journey, so long! And i'm hungry now. Only had hashbrown and a cup of Milo from Mac for breakie..
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
Morning peeps! I guess, it's going to rain big later. Remember to bring brolly. (:
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
Hip hip, Hooray! Goodnight everyone, Nitey to love-Mummy! Mwah~!
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
I'm love-mummy's one and only girl!(: I feel the love mummy's giving to me. Mummy dotes on me alot. :-D
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
My love-mummy just said she love me too much! Excited now cause I might get to see her tomorrow. (:
Jacelynn says
15 years ago
DD just said to me 'I called you angel because I believe you are one' Isn't this sweet? Haha, really touched my heart!(: Thks.