50Friends 4Fans
male Norristown, PA, United States
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster. And if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Current RP:
The (Fourth) Doctor @ The Station
Spider Jerusalem @ The Station
1 years ago 2 @Edit 1 years ago
[Theater, First and (Maybe) Last Plug] Footloose: The Musical opens this Thursday at 1st Street Players and runs for a total of eight performances. Get your tickets now, because the run is close to 90% sold out! Your best bet are the two Friday night shows that have about 20 seats left each.
1 years ago 17 @Edit 1 years ago
[Theater, vent/rant, feel free to mute] And so the latest email from a prospective director ends with the sentence, "Unfortunately, we are unable to use your talent in this production."
...what talent?
1 years ago 2
Five favorite anime? Well, since the meme gods asked...
1 years ago
[Eagles] I didn't know I needed this, but I did. Neil DeGrasse Tyson talks about the Eagles' "Brotherly Shove" play:Neil deGrasse Tyson breaks down physics behind the '...
1 years ago 10
[Sportsball] HOW 'BOUT DEM COWBOYS?!
1 years ago 5
[DnD] I am leaning towards a Thri-Kreen monk. Always wanted to play a Mantis Warrior since I first saw them in Monster Manual II way back in the early days of AD&D (yes, I know, I'm old)..
1 years ago 19
[Theater, Fuck Comfort Zones] So this coming June, my home theater the 1st Street Players will be presenting what is probably their most ambitious production yet: BOTH parts of the acclaimed Tony Kushner play Angels In America.
1 years ago 8
[Work Woes] Well, our system is down and I can do (as Jonathan Pie would put it) fuck-all about it.
1 years ago 1
[Feline Antics] Fergus continues to earn his keep.
1 years ago 4
Anyone here for the last day of Unplugged?