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14 years ago
Like a rose trampled on the ground. You took the fall and thought of me above all.
Jed bilang
14 years ago
I wish that my English is two times better than now. How i envy those people who can speak English fluently.
Jed bilang
14 years ago
I wish I can go to England, to the countryside.
Jed bilang
14 years ago
Lanjut nonton Sense and Sensibility versi BBC.
14 years ago
Jesus didn't die on that cross as a humiliation, but as a victory over the power of sin. That's why it's a GOOD Friday.
Jed bilang
14 years ago
Seseorang di fesbuk, inisial TNH, statusnya marah2 terus.
Jed bilang
14 years ago
Ternyata Gayus Tambunan kabur lagi. Tapi tunggu! Ini tanggal berapa ya?
Jed bilang
14 years ago
Sakecah-kecahni hapul di kadam, pagun wat hanatni.
14 years ago
Ada Gayus yg lebih hebat, namanya Hadi Poernomo, harta 39M, bekas dirjen pajak yg dpecat SMI. Skarang ketua BPK.
Jed bilang
14 years ago
Besok akan mengembalikan SPT sebagai wajib pajak yg baik.