Izzy Serevi
245Friends 54Fans
female Second life

Blog ✈ Adventures In Far Away.
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Always Far Away ✈ Marketplace.
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 9
When is american mothers day? Did I miss it?
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 3
Oh thanks computer. (nottalking) (idiot)
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 2
All the applications from this week sorted, now off to do some RL volunteering before I return to put together the new welcome packages
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 3
How is everyone doing the anonymous comments? Am I being super stupid? :-P
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 3
Just took the building platform into my inventory by mistake.
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 4
Getting all the things done today
Izzy Serevi says
10 years ago 14
Happy Cake Day Chloecakes <3
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 7
Complete change of mood from yesterday after seeing people talking about Concordia and how they want to attend when enrollment opens again :-))
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 12
No sun come back. I'm not ready for it to be night time yet (nottalking)
Izzy Serevi
10 years ago 10
Seriously? How stupid do you think I am... Oh my social climbers. Excuse my rantiness today plurk!