Cheese Away
124Friends 101Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
Blowfish. XD

BS ChE sob
University of the Philippines - Diliman
Cheese Away
15 years ago
Cheese Away
15 years ago 2
I dig fat people. (LOL)
Cheese Away
15 years ago
mUztaH p0eZ KayoeZ? << What the hell. I'll rip your head off if you talk to me liek that. L33t talk is preferable. (LOL)
Cheese Away
15 years ago 3
DJ Max Technika is LOVE
Cheese Away
15 years ago 4
Power Rangers :-D
Cheese Away
15 years ago 4
[POKEMON TRADE REQUEST] Sinong may Pokemon Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, GX? Hahahaha
Cheese Away shares
15 years ago 10
Cheese Away
15 years ago
Cheese Away
15 years ago
The joys of 'WebCam'-ing. :-P