5Friends 1Fans
Tacoma, WA, United States
CRAZY ROCKER PERSON!Wait did i just call myself crazy?Iyou-No duh baka.Me-YOUR A BAKA!Iyou-If i'm a baka then you are cause your me-.-.Me-...crap
13 years ago 5
almost cried, my GH drums broke and my parents ended up getting me 2 drumsets, a guitar, and a mic.
Iyou_unforgiven says
13 years ago
just watched a Shinedown concert on TV, it was pretty cool besides my parents comparing the singer to a mix of Ozzy Osbourne and Elton john
Iyou_unforgiven is
13 years ago
:-D imma close to 50 karma plurk please :3
Iyou_unforgiven is
13 years ago 1
a little worried thursday my gramdpa is coming over here hes been having some troubles with his kidneys so hes getting a 2nd opinion from UW
Iyou_unforgiven is
13 years ago 4
so happy i had my artwork up at Thunderfest.today i got a ribbon for my work and the teacher said she's puting it up at the Puyallup fair!
Iyou_unforgiven says
13 years ago 3
Iyou_unforgiven says
13 years ago 2
well i most likely not gonna be on tommorrow imma going to Seattle with amanda for her B-day VERY EARLY!!!!gonna be fun (dance)
Iyou_unforgiven hates
13 years ago 4
those days where the mood goes from happy then sad then happy again :-( its sooo confusing
Iyou_unforgiven says
13 years ago
this is a little late..ok alot late but i just wanna say HELL YA AMANDA'S ASS OF A DAD IS FINALLY GONE!!!!!! (woot)
Iyou_unforgiven says
13 years ago
aww ya just listening to some music (music)