6Friends 12Fans
female Pekanbaru, Indonesia
im just a person and you can take it. the same tricks that people say it.
15 years ago
PLURK your life, on the line (its like PhoneBooth Movie)
IntanWait is
15 years ago
(unsure)escape from my feeling.
IntanWait is
15 years ago
listening Your Disguise by James Greenspun (music)
IntanWait hates
15 years ago
2 girls, they said it's a good news- well for me it's a BAD/sad news!! (angry) X-(
IntanWait wonders
15 years ago 2
when will my shoes arrive?? (unsure) (dance)
IntanWait says
15 years ago
down doooooown dooown. (unsure)
IntanWait says
15 years ago
bingung sama shoe sizes antara UK sama US, beda brapa ya? kata mas adit beda 2, tpi diliat spatu 1. ya allah mudah2 muat, gak kegedean :'-(
IntanWait says
15 years ago
ayah lagi ngebuat paypal! hey TUK creeper!!! (woot)
IntanWait says
15 years ago
gosh! art and craft competition is sukses! tpi mudah2 menang kami, Amiiin! ;-)
15 years ago
woot woot, karma jdi 20.45 hahahahaa :-D