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Inkeshi is
14 years ago
The brand new me, with a brand new department and a brand new of performance...
Inkeshi is
14 years ago
Everyone told me that I was changing, did I ? Everyone said that I was become arrogant, did I ? Everyone think that I was rude, did I ?
Inkeshi is
14 years ago
Should i tell her about my feelings and let the time decide whether i was match with her choice...
14 years ago
No matter how hard you try,if you dont count on Him it will useless all.
14 years ago
There is nothing to be fear besides that fear self..
Inkeshi is
14 years ago
I enjoy this life because seems my new jobs is better than the old one. Hope that He will gave me a chanche to sign a contract....
14 years ago
Mata masih ngantuk tp ga bisa bobo lagi,ada ga yang mo nemenin bobo ya?
14 years ago
Pgn bli iphone 3gs punya tsel,tapi harganya muahal buanget.Terpaksa di tunda dulu sampe ada duid ngumpul dulu huft
14 years ago
Lage pgn banged ke spa ama dia.Masuk steam brduaan terus terus terus check in dech.Sayang gw takut nembak dia,ntar mlah benci lg.
Inkeshi is
14 years ago
Pengen jalan mumpung masih libur ama temen temen, tapi ga ada duid and temen" juga kayaknya sibuk. Jadinya di rumah aja dech seharian