Okay, fine. I am done with the cannibalism quandaries. Last night I dreamed I kept a baby of mine in the wine fridge. It lived, but ... eww.
Dear Internet: If I were to put a request in my will to have myself cannibalized for my own wake, could I pull that off?
So lethargic . . . don't you look at me like that, espresso machine!
Just had a delicious Waldorf salad sandwich paired with the best Earl Grey tea ever. Now: espresso walnut cake! I love me some Friar Tuck's.
Wow. My inbox is now empty for the first time since the beginning of August. *falls over*
I am so glad the cat decided to yarf -after- the guests left. Ick.
throwing open the windows and singing along to "It Might as Well be Spring"
I need to stop this drinking cappuccinos just because I can . . . right after this cup. Hee!
Espresso Update: I decided to upgrade the crap $2 espresso maker to a $60 unused one from Craigslist. Much better. Also, Illy!
Brain, I already know what I need to do. Can we please stop with these crazy dreams now?