9Friends 12Fans
female Jakarta, Indonesia
I am the King of my own wonderland.

IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
What was done was done. All that was left was to mourn the loss...
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
Never say something that you don't understand
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
What's bad about good and what's good about bad?
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
For me, happiness is everything that I have.
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
Tell me all the things I want to hear
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
I tried to understand but you didn't do the same to me
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
Everyone lives in difference
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
My brain said that I should lie, but my heart told me to tell the truth
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
Everyone is beautiful. It's our actions that can make us ugly.
IamtheKING feels
12 years ago
Your worst battle is between what you know and how you feel