134Friends 26Fans
female Wichita, KS, United States
I am a semiretired Instructional Technology Specialist from Kansas and currently live in the Pacific Northwest! I am a STAR Discovery Educator and SMART Exemplary Educator. I love kids, traveling, sailing, a good book, sunshine and wonderful friends
ITSaVelma says
12 years ago 1
In Hagerstown, Maryland we had the inspection on our new house. It's looking good and we should close on April 19 th or sooner. ;-)
ITSaVelma says
12 years ago 1
ready for a full week!! (dance_bzz) (gym_okok)
ITSaVelma says
12 years ago 2
in Maryland for another day of house hunting. wish us luck!!
ITSaVelma shares
12 years ago 2
Leaving tomorrow to house hunt in Hagerstown, Maryland!! Wish us luck.
ITSaVelma shares
12 years ago 1
ITSaVelma shares
12 years ago 1
Working on an electronic portfolio
ITSaVelma shares
13 years ago 7
Preparing a PLN Preso
ITSaVelma says
13 years ago 4
Presenting PLNs to administrators. What would be the main concepts to cover?
ITSaVelma says
13 years ago 9
Yesterday was successful Techfest! our Techmaster teachers rocked!! I'm so proud of them! our teachers learned so much, kids benefit!
ITSaVelma shares
13 years ago 6
I have 10 Karma!! Whooo hoooo. It's been awhile at 0! I'm on my way back.