23Friends 26Fans
female Malaysia
Winnie says
11 years ago 3
I am disappointed at the government not coz' of racial issues, but the state that it has put me in. Fresh graduate with decent pay but with expenses that go beyond my means. Not by choice, but by circumstances.
Winnie says
11 years ago 5
nearly died on the road today coz I ingat I pandai overtake mana tahu tak sempat masuk balik lane I then ada kereta kat opposite lane yang berderet-deret fuhh nasib baik masih hidup.
11 years ago
Did my part by voting but lost the battle. My hope for a positive change for the country has no doubt proved to be a disappointment, but I am glad to see the rakyat united as one yesterday.
11 years ago
Guangzhou is a nightmare.
11 years ago 3
Off to China today! Going to miss Hong Kong very much.
11 years ago 4
The weather in Hong Kong is so nice!
Winnie says
11 years ago 6
going out for dinner, just the two of us! To celebrate the end of work for us before our big trip hahahaha :-)
11 years ago 4
Winnie says
11 years ago 1
verbal abuse breaks whatever self-confidence that is left in the victim. So the next time you have a loud opinion, think about the damage you're doing to the people who matter the most to you.
Winnie says
11 years ago 6
went for breast check up hahahaha TMI.