29Friends 11Fans
male Bellingham, WA, United States
15 years ago 3
Plurk is like Bellingham - very much alive but everyone I know is gone.
IDrillAvocadoJars says
15 years ago
i done plurked a blogpost about plurkin. idrillavocadojars.blogsp...
IDrillAvocadoJars thinks
15 years ago 7
We're still plurking, I wonder when we're gonna stop.
15 years ago
just rediscovered Aceyalone - The Hurt and is stoked on it.
15 years ago 1
This was an advertisement on my Gmail: I wonder how their ad targeting decided I need that.
IDrillAvocadoJars will
15 years ago 2
blow his nose until his brains come out and turn in the product as his creative endeavor.
15 years ago
Aphex Twin - Vordhosbn
IDrillAvocadoJars is
15 years ago
in bed catching up on reading on a friday night, like the good student that he is.
IDrillAvocadoJars needs
15 years ago
Will Smith - Getting jiggy with it
15 years ago 1
spent the evening snapping live prawns in half at work. Too bad I'm allergic, they wriggled so deliciously.