72Friends 49Fans
female Singapore
I don't live to please anyone, take me as i am.

hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Chewing gum! Hehhehehes.
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Oh yah, i went air hitam and aunt's house just nw. (Malaysia)
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Finally! Reached sg! :-D I can't wait fr tmr.
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Universal studio!
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Mcm sial ah, bnyk btl sale (reading newspaper)
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Hahhah! I bought myself straits times instead of drinks that mum ask to.
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Hahhaha! Ms ong said 'one thing abt her, she's v caring!! Ya, she's v caring' hahha! Dng muke2.
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Otw to ptc, damn.. i never felt so nervous. Oh probably mum is tagging along fr th first time in my whole sch life. Awesome much?
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
It seems so diff at my own crib. Everyone do their own thing. Sigh.
hyddyPierce™ says
14 years ago
Just nw while i was otw to granny's crib this guy said 'U live @ th condo there right?' is tht supposed to be pick up line.