482Friends 228Fans
male Hutchinson, KS, United States
Science Edu-tainment Specialist, Founder/Host of Cool Everyday Science @ 8th grade behavioral support para. School bus driver. Scuba is my sport. Love to dive! KC CHIEFS are my team. Scout for life.
11 years ago 5
It's a beautiful day for a wedding!
11 years ago 2
Hope all y'alls have had a great day. Tomorrow comes the cold again here in Toto-ville.
11 years ago 6
It's a G Daddy and Miss Tay kind of a day! Wonder what kind of adventure we will have today? Hope your Friday is great too!
11 years ago 6
Gotta call KC Chiefs this morning about moving closer to the 50yd line today. On the 35 now.
11 years ago 10
Miss Tay and Howie G wish you all a happy Monday!
12 years ago 11
Spring break starts! woo hoo! Don't have to go back to school till April 2. Got a couple of bus trips in there and a lot of resting and less stress times while I'm off.
12 years ago 1
Goodnight Moon.
12 years ago 8
Now watching The Life of Pi. Hope it's good.
12 years ago 4
Pizza Ranch just opened up here two days ago so busy I can't get in so I'm going to do next best thing and get me some chicken to go see how it is.
12 years ago 4
Today did not go as I had planned, but I was reminded that my plan is not His plan. To quote an old song, "thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine"