Hirato Kirata
11Friends 195Fans
male Perth, Australia
My hobbies include programming work on sandbox ( kids.platinumarts.net ) in whatever spare time I can muster, playing video games and browsing that there intertubes... that's pretty much it...
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago 7
tech.slashdot.org/story/... gahahaha, oh boy!
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago 1
www.playalterego.com/ this really struck a chord with me. Strange how a game can teach you just how fickle life is.
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago 2
so.... mike recently invented a new super hero called "Sky Captain Meow"
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago 4
ugh.. UML, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago 6
the new wii console is out next year and initial impression seem to say it'll be awesome Nintendo Wii U - E3 2011: Announcement Trailer
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago
nighty night
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago 1
hah.. they're making a new "X-COM" game
Hirato Kirata
13 years ago