45Friends 37Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
HeyMing says
14 years ago
星期日太多的會議! 餓了一天終於吃晚餐了! 感謝上帝!要多多敬拜神!Thanks God!
HeyMing says
14 years ago
當我吃到酸酸的水果時,不禁懷念起神秘果的滋味,神秘果本身沒有味道,但吃完它之後,味蕊會被改變,吃所有酸或苦的水果或食物都會變成又甘又甜. 這時候吃水果變成一種獨一無二的享受. 喔`!神秘果!
HeyMing says
14 years ago
Good morning!
HeyMing says
14 years ago
We should not pray that the suffering would be removed, but that the Lord would be glorified through the suffering.
HeyMing says
14 years ago
Why did I open a can of worm that cannot be closed. God's love is persistent but never pushy! It got to be a stage where suffering is a must
HeyMing shares
14 years ago
神的孩子(The Child of God)MV 更新版 神的孩子(The Child of God)MV  更新版
HeyMing says
14 years ago
雨過天晴 ~ when the sky clears, things will return to normal. Simple!
HeyMing shares
14 years ago
Country Road (Japanese version) カントリーロード
HeyMing shares
14 years ago
聽老歌 Country Road from Whisper of the heart) 真的非常棒! Violin Part is sublime! Country Road
HeyMing says
14 years ago
曾經滄海難為水~ "Having crossed the vast oceans, I can no longer take a river seriously" OR "Been there, done that!"