2Friends 2Fans
male Malang, Indonesia
Henokh17_10 berharap
13 years ago
masih ada'kah celah itu..? (blush)
Henokh17_10 bilang
13 years ago
tomorrow, i'll giving the best of me.. hhehe... (goodluck)
Henokh17_10 bilang
13 years ago
latihan flag bwt acra natal kali nii gk ada kena"x.. grakan'x ngikut ama gerakan tamborine.. gebrakan baru deh.. hhaha...
Henokh17_10 bilang
13 years ago
h-3..i'll giving my best even the preparation n exercise juzt in a weeks.. hhehe.. cayooo..!!! (dance)
Henokh17_10 berharap
13 years ago
hope that you would thinking 'bout me.. (unsure) hope that you would give me some chance again..
13 years ago
give up or keep trying .?. so confuse this feeling.. :'-(
13 years ago
feel something piercing my heart.. feel so pain.. :-(
Henokh17_10 pikir
13 years ago
msh pantaz'kah aq brharap kpada'mu ?? (unsure)
Henokh17_10 bilang
13 years ago
gk bza OL FB, kna blokir kmpuz... (annoyed)
Henokh17_10 bilang
13 years ago
UTS now end,, it's time for bambung right now.. (dance)