215Friends 82Fans
female Calgary, AB, Canada
☀Daughter, Mother, Sister, Aunt, Niece, Cousin, God Mother, and Friend

Jeremy Fisher - Part That Breaks
10 years ago 8
I love these two so so much, I cant even http://i.gyazo.com/22ecf828e335eee610d00adceff7c533.png
Harpy asks
10 years ago 17
Does anybody know where the dress underneath this cardigan is from? http://i.gyazo.com/972f082c5ffb2e8593236fc1e4caf03e.png
10 years ago 5
I feel bad that I haven't been able to keep up with plurk lately. I miss everybody
10 years ago 1
Harpy says
10 years ago 10
I just wanted to share. Tristan had this photo of our family done by Melanie and im sobbing because it looks so freaking adorable! https://www.flickr.com/photos/123777271@N04/14329048965
Harpy says
10 years ago 5
Arcade Soon!!!!!!!!
Harpy shares
10 years ago 3
Im also a day late (Cause Scatter Brain) But happy 4 months to my bebe's www.plurk.com/notkatey and www.plurk.com/TopangaLex... . I love you girls so much and I couldn't imagine life without you two
Harpy shares
10 years ago 7
[09:50] Katey Isabella Bailey (katey.coppola): wanna do my mom?
[09:51] Katey Isabella Bailey (katey.coppola) shouts: SHE CAN SUCK START A GOLFC ART
10 years ago 2
Almost Finished our girly bathroom! http://i.gyazo.com/238a4dac620cc06956332f75b9598354.png