26Friends 8Fans
female Second life
The SL community has become a big ball of ugliness. I want to be able to shine some light on our darker days, we all work hard, weve created an amazing community- we should do whatever we can to prop one another up- NOT tear eachother down!
HappinessSL says
12 years ago 3
Sorry for my absence! Had some doctory things RL... Imback now though :-) i come baring kittens and rainbows!
HappinessSL says
12 years ago 3
Goodmorning my Plurky Pals! Thanks for the overnight ads everyone!
HappinessSL shares
12 years ago
HappinessSL says
12 years ago 1
Welcome Anichka try a shot of whiskey and a midol :-)
HappinessSL says
12 years ago 9
Welcome to my world anjanette_mcandrews
HappinessSL says
12 years ago 1
Welcome to the land of happy strawberrysingh