Hanika - 호야 부인
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female Singapore
go awey bish
oneeeeeeeeeeee daeeeeeeeee, im gonna have everything~
don't just treat me. as nobody :-) im something at-least in your life. even if im your enemy, i'm still an enemy not a nothing.
SDFSADF, <3 :-) I am so boredzxzx hmmhmmhmm. Taio is the guy <3 Dynamite is addicting :-)
two plurks for a day in this acct xD
Gotta get get. :-)
Listen to my why, my left arm is aching arajkhsdjjkashd. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee body do you hate me so much?
Everything seems easy? Hmmmm :-D Im so paid~ paid paid paid~
mblaq, Sounds like I'm black xD
wooo! no more learning :-) ! im glad, after learning this year :-) looking much more forward to p6 ♥
I hasn't any flu anymore, i hate ICT lessons man