252Friends 391Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
Still hoping to get a decent job before death. Likes cats, photography, health research, knitting, sewing, reading, friends, wine and Spotrick.
Grumba wonders
12 years ago
if anyone knows the music of Veronica & Lewis? Heard on radio as I drove along.
Grumba wonders
12 years ago 4
if you have blogs I should catch up on! Linkies please! (dance)
Grumba says
12 years ago 14
hiya Plurkies! I might be spending more time here now- left Facebook!! Woot!!
Grumba shares
12 years ago
thinks you should stare at this: . The Autodreamulator made it!
Grumba is
12 years ago 2
going to a street starting with "A" for some photography on my 52 Week Flickr Project!
Grumba shares
12 years ago 9
says oops! Forgot my Plurkie pals for ages! Sorry! Been photogging!
Grumba is
12 years ago 6
all clean & medicated- perhaps society will welcome a visit now??
Grumba has
12 years ago 3
survived the Google Plus Photowalk Downunder!
12 years ago 5
guzzled my first massive dose of Vitamin D therapy today- just like runny peanut butter! In the land of the sun, I don't get enough of it!
Grumba wonders
12 years ago 7
why Ben's interesting Plurk was deleted? I wish men knew that it doesn't turn a woman on to tell her he thinks she's sexy & he's ready!