144Friends 88Fans
female suburbia, PA, United States
Yeah, I knit. I have teenagers. Do you think these are related?
Gromit has
15 years ago
made dinner and is working on a sock design that's not looking too promising, but I won't give up.
Gromit wonders
15 years ago
where the morning went? Gotta get ready to head out to film class. PYL
Gromit says
15 years ago 12
wow, everyone is up early for a rainy Monday! (wave)
Gromit has
15 years ago 7
sorted the tupperware -- it was a monumental job, no joke. I only wonder why so many pieces no longer had mates.
Gromit is
15 years ago 11
home for a lovely relaxing Sunday! Morning all (wave)
Gromit is
15 years ago 5
off, back tomorrow night! (wave) Keep it down to a dull roar, okay?
Gromit says
15 years ago 10
good morning & happy Friday! The guy and I are off on a romantic getaway this afternoon. (heart)
Gromit has
15 years ago 1
finally listed a bit of stash for sale on Rav. If you're looking to adopt some yarn please have a look!
Gromit is
15 years ago 9
back with clean teeth and no problems. (dance)
Gromit says
15 years ago 7
good morning! It's off to the dentist I go...