Gothic Hippy
11Friends 0Fans
female Bartlesville, OK, United States
I am who I am. I'll be who I'll be. Take me Or leave me, cause I'm not gonna change. I'm fine the way I am, and I like me the way I am. Deal with it. ♥
Gothic Hippy
11 years ago 2
Gothic Hippy
11 years ago
I have returned! Anyone miss me?
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago
heading back to cali. mixed feelings. would rather stay here in iowa to be honest.
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago
touchdown Iowa! .....wait....thats football. touchdoen IN iowa lol
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago
getting ready to head to iowa for two weeks. snow here we come!!! (xmas1)
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago
to all of my plurkers!! i hope you all have a safe, warm, and happy holiday. merry christmas (xmas1) (xmas2) (xmas3) (xmas4)
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago
O.o OK so apparently my phone thinks I'm in the Netherlands..... Wtf???
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago 2
Holy crap!! how far are you into Once Upon a time??? massive urge to talk to someone that's seen it!!!!!!!
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago
My poor minion. he had to just get four boosters, a tb test, a blood test and a flu shot. He is not a happy panda
Gothic Hippy
12 years ago
The product of todays art class.