Simply Rhonda
54Friends 114Fans
female Atlanta, GA, United States
Wife of 16 years... Mom to 14 and 10 year old daughters. Hubby and I work from home for our employer. I love photography, decorating my home, reading and watching TV. One day, I'll travel the world.
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 8
I'm cold and I have a cold....and, I'm training a new class at work and absolutely freaking loving school!
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 5
plurking from my new laptop!!! Not sure I like this Windows 8 stuff, though.
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 8
who ordered the snow? They are not my favorite person today.
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 5
what happened to my mild winters here in GA? 9 degrees but feels like 1 because of the wind chill. Downstairs are unit is not working well. It's 64 degrees and I'm workign with a jacket and blanket.
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 9
next Tuesday. First speech for Public Speaking and first test for American Government. Guess what I'll be doing all weekend?
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 3
doing homework and OT today. Love going back to school, but I can see that down time will be very scarce.
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 5
I think we should all make a resolution to check in here daily. Don't want to lose touch with you guys!
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 5
Merry Christmas, Plurk buddies. Hope it's an amazing day for each of us. (xmas12)
Simply Rhonda
11 years ago 5
The things we do for our kids. Standing in the Sephora line for the Urban Decay Naked 3 pallette launch.
Simply Rhonda says
11 years ago 6
Katie has tryouts for honor's band today. Wishing her much luck!