everyone to have a Happy Halloween!
where all her plurks are... and, well, like am I on one level here? Some time line that has nobody on it? How do I get on a more active
she could discuss lipstick, but she only uses spearmint lipgloss.
if she should be talking about something without any substance, such as cubic zirconium earrings or leggings or plaid skirts.
if she'll get good karma for talking to herself.
, hmmmmm, so how about people getting STD alerts in email. Whatever happened to roses?
got to watch HOUSE tonight and that makes everything else okay.
laughs! haha, I have no friends. I'm completely invisible on Plurk, and I don't even care!
to think that the reason all these baby boomers are committing suicide has to do with the fact that nobody wants to talk anymore!